Our Vision
The Filipino-American Performing Artists of North Carolina (FAPA-NC) is a collaboration of Filipino-Americans in the North Carolina Triangle area who wish to impart to, and share with our generation Filipino culture, history and values through music, dance, literature, drama, visual arts and crafts.
Our Vision
The Filipino-American Performing Artists of North Carolina (FAPA-NC) is a collaboration of Filipino-Americans in the North Carolina Triangle area who wish to impart to, and share with our generation Filipino culture, history and values through music, dance, literature, drama, visual arts and crafts.

Our Vision
The Filipino-American Performing Artists of North Carolina (FAPA-NC) is a collaboration of Filipino-Americans in the North Carolina Triangle area who wish to impart to, and share with our generation Filipino culture, history and values through music, dance, literature, drama, visual arts and crafts.

What's New
Please join us in celebrating...
Dances of the Southern Philippines: Focus on Singkil
A Workshop By Veniza Catlett - Philippine Artist and Choreographer at the Cary Bond Park Community Center, Oak Room S . . .
A variety of talents, from poetry to dancing and singing will be presented, all depicting Philippine arts and culture . . .
Learn about Nature and Filipino culture! Lots of fun, learning and food! August 16-18Blue Jay Point County ParkRaleig . . .
Our very own Fatima Domagtoy-Uy takes the initiative (with her husband, Chris) to teach Tagalog. Watch her on Youtube . . .